Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Facts About Me

This TTT pick from over at The Broke and the Bookish this week! Link to be added once that side of the world wakes up to Tuesday (it’s almost noon here).

  1. I’ve been reading pretty much non-stop since I was 4. My mom taught me how to read. Little did she know what she was creating…
  2. I have a B.A. in English, but since I graduated in 2010 have worked as a phlebotomist and EMT. I love words and books, but I can’t make it my JOB. At least not currently. I get too twitchy if I do nothing but stare at a computer screen ALL the time.
  3. I think animals are better than people. About 90% of the time. I’m really a dog person, even though I’ve only had cats for the past 4 years.
  4. I like eating canned black olives straight out of the can.
  5. I love trees. I am convinced that somehow, there are spirits in trees that I could talk to if I could just figure it out. 
  6. I would like to get rid of television. Permanently.
  7. The first movie I saw in theater was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I was 20.
  8. Besides reading, my next favorite things to do are anything outside (unless it involves LARGE quantities of mud, but a little is ok), knitting/spinning, and writing letters. Some of my best friends I’ve only ever “met” in writing. 
  9. I don’t plan to have children. I love my friends’ kids and have a lovely, adorable goddaughter (that I sadly haven’t met in person yet), but feel no need to procreate. And don’t tell me getting older will change my mind. I’m 28. I’m child-free by choice and my husband is 100% okay (maybe we should say thrilled – he already has a child from a previous marriage, and said kid is awesome but also almost an adult so…much awkwardness would ensue) with that.
  10. I’ve wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail AND be a medical doctor since I was 11 years old.

Well, that was fun and oh-so-very random! Can’t wait to read all the others that come from the link-up. 😊😄📚😜