Where I Am

I’ve been sleeping a lot lately, truth be told. But tonight I’ve been awake since 2 a.m. courtesy of a migraine prompted by any number of things. I sat in the shower for an hour and a half, and now I’m sitting with a much-dimmed laptop screen (the distraction is worth the slight pain increase from the light) on the couch with a candle burning.

Misery loves company so I’m sharing mine with you. 😛

On the bright side, my first month back at playing the HPKCHC went well. I finished a hat, a baby sleepsack, and a pair of socks. I started another pair of socks but didn’t get them finished. Also I started a “Mission,” a larger project that will take longer than a month. So there’s been lots of knitting, and a few other things.



The finished socks

The finished socks

Finished hat and husband being goofy. :D <3

Finished hat and husband being goofy. 😀 ❤

Unfinished socks.

Unfinished socks.

Start of the Mission project.

Start of the Mission project.

4 thoughts on “Where I Am

  1. Your knits are beautiful.

    Something I do for my migraines, I lay down in the tub- with the water as hot as I can stand – and up to the edges of my face – I lay still and quiet until the water cools off – often this will be the ending of my headache – – Migraines are monsters I would not wish on an enemy.


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